Business Overview
Energy independent communities that use renewable energy, ESS, P2G, etc. → Reducing grid connection costs and leading the energy switch
Power to Gas
태양광, 풍력, MG, KEPCO, 공공기관, 공장(ESS), P2P전력거래, 아파트, 빌딩(ESS), MG, 연료전지, 메탄, 열병합
KEPCO Open MG(MG EMS) : 가상발전소, BTM
Power Source
[Main]PV, WT [Supplementary]FC, Bio, Cogeneration
Generate from main and supplementary sources, considering factors such as regional characteristics and scale
Control System
Establishing an integrated energy system based on international standards
Grid operation (common platform + MiDAS) + enhancing energy efficiency (EMS)
New Technology
Power Trading between P2P and MG, P2G
Autonomous control, Self-balancing, electrolysis/hydrogen compression & storage technology
Company R&D
Target : Demonstration of P2G-based multiple MG distribution system linkage
Target region : Ulsan Techno Industrial Complex
Period : 2019.5 ~ 2022.4
Government R&D
Target : MW Grade Upscaling of P2G Facilities
Target region : Naju Innovation Industrial Complex / Donghae Biothermal Power
Period : 2019.5 ~ 2022.4
Expected Effectiveness
Securing grid flexibility through energy storage systems readied for increases in renewable energy
Provision of P2G-based multiple MG standard operating models for community energy independence