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Business Overview

Providing KEPCO's self-developed, K-BEM-based, energy efficiency solution
KEPCO - Building Energy Management Energy Management Platform Which delivers smart services and solutions

Business Model

KEPCO and its suppliers will invest in replacing aging devices with high efficiency devices based on K-BEM, and recoup the investment in installments through energy cost savings during the contract period.

Target : Expansion of K-BEMS-based energy efficiency for buildings and factories (investment of KRW 400 billion between 2017 and 2021)

Before investment : Energy costs → KEPCO, KEPCO energy solution, LG U+

Operation period : Energy costs(Energy cost reduction) → Repayment of investment costs in installments through energy savings during the period of operation

After recouping costs : Energy costs(Customer profit)

Role sharing based on the strengths of both companies' business capabilities


Implementation of construction projects and technical support Provide K-BEMS S/W and System Integration

KEPCO Energy Solutions, LGU+

Marketing responsibility (using sales people and agents, etc.)
Provide and enhance energy-saving facilities

Expected Effectiveness

To create future capabilities by providing user-centered, e-solution services through global-level energy management technologies
