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Smart City 
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Business Overview

Building Smart City Infrastructure with New Eco-friendly Industrial Technologies

Energy Cloud Operating System

Urban Infrastructure Information

Existing Transmission/Distribution Network (Operation)
Renewable energy
Energy Storage
Electric Vehicles (EV)
Prosumer(Nano/Micro Grid)
Home/Building/Factory EMS

Establish City Energy Plan
City Plan + Energy Plan

Integrated Operation Platform
Link to other systems
DER integrated operation/Intermediary service
City application service
Empirical Evaluation

New Convergence BM
Joint overseas expansion/Demonstration project

Projects and Plans

National Standardization of KEPCO Platform

Bitgaram Smart e-City(2016~2020)

Establishing data/operation center
Demonstrating services such as VPP, e-Prosumer, etc.
Establishing collective standards(SG Association, ’19.9)
Promoting national standardization(KS standard,’20.12)
Business Reference Reinforcement
Siheung National Strategy PJT(2018~2022)

Citizen Engagement Energy living Lab
Integrated metering demonstration for apartment
Data-linkage non-energy sector(traffic, environment, safety, etc.)
Business Expansion
Smart City Establishment and Platform Operation

Grid-linked smart city modelling
(KEPCO) e-solutions
(private-sector) equipment
Establishing E-solution based city infrastructure
Platform operations and data business