Raise the Human Rights Awareness
As KEPCO is aware of the importance of respect for human rights and prevention of human rights risks, we established the cooperative system between departments to select human rights-related tasks and implement them. In particular, as the result of human rights inspection, we are taking actions to improve awareness regarding major human rights issues discovered. With regard to sexual harassment and sexual assault, we conducted the customized training for mangers, counselors, and new employees and implemented the training for prevention of workplace harassment. Regarding the organization culture, our company expanded the junior board operation, the communication channel between MZ generation and old generation, by 4-fold compared to previous year. Also, we are raising the human rights awareness by making books and videos for organization culture, thereby expanding training and communication regarding human rights.
Derive and Mitigate Potential Human Rights Risks
By assessing the human rights impact in each area, six potential risks were derived, and improvement tasks were carried out. For employees, gender parity (discrimination), sexual harassment and sexual assault (harassment), and mental health issues have been identified. Safety accidents, discrimination and disadvantages (inhumane treatment) have been identified for subcontractors. Also, noise and environmental pollution issues have been identified in the local community. KEPCO will keep complementing the standards and process for human rights identification and identify the risk types, including forced labor, child labor, freedom of assembly, collective bargaining, discrimination, and risk ranges, including employees, women, children, immigrant workers, local communities.
KEPCO took measures to reduce the adverse impact of potential risks through improvement task. KEPCO is gradually improving its human rights management system by establishing preventive action plans and detailed implementation tasks for all business sites for each type of potential human rights risk identified, and implementing them according to plan.(100% completion of establishing mitigation plans for all 39 business sites)
Classification | Potential Risks | Mitigation Activities |
Employees |
Gender parity infringement
Sexual harassment and sexual assault
Mental health of employess
Improve the organization culture and open the hot-line
Resolve sexual harassment and sexual assault and carry out customized training
Subcontractors |
Industrial accidents of workers
Discrimination and disadvantages for whistleblowers who reported unfair trade
Discover and improve the vulnerabilities in safety, carry out safety training
Regulate protection charter of corporate complaints, adopt sage reporting system
Local community Indigenous people |
Sefety of construction area and environmental pollution
Construct the eco-friendly power facilities, carry out environmental effects evaluation
KEPCO 119 disater rescue team for safety in local community
Regulate Human Rights Infringement
KEPCO newly established the relevant employment rules to prevent harassment in the workplace. The range of harassment in the workplace is the acts to suffer other employees or aggravates working condition inappropriately by abusing position and relations and it is strictly banned. KEPCO regulates that employees who are subject to investigation from the investigation agency due to their sexual harassment can lose their position by considering the seriousness according to the personnel management regulations. Furthermore, if employees are perpetrators of workplace harassment pursuant to Article 75 Subparagraph 8 of the Employment Rules, they are excluded from minor disciplinary action, promotion, and reward
In addition, KEPCO operates various channels such as the K-Whistle, e-people, and internal and external grievance counseling centers to improve access to reporting and counseling related to human rights violations. Cases received through these channels are thoroughly investigated and reviewed by a review committee, and if it is determined that the case constitutes a human rights violation, disciplinary action is taken against the offender. To protect victims, we immediately separate the workplace between the victim and the offender, grant paid leave to the victim, and continue to provide counseling services from an outside professional organization to support the victim's recovery.
Report of human rights vioiation |
Consuitation |
Investigation and reporting |
(When nesessary) Deliveration by deliveration committee |
Case completion |
Comprehensive Assessment
KEPCO minimizes related human rights risks through response activities for each potential human rights issue, and raises company-wide human rights awareness by implementing customized human rights education for each target and three-dimensional communication activities based on mutual understanding, such as various campaigns and discussions. Going forward, KEPCO plans to continue to strengthen human rights vulnerable areas by enhancing human rights impact assessments, establishing and faithfully implementing improvement tasks for each important human rights issue, and diversifying human rights management education to enhance the human rights sensitivity of employees.
Related Guideline
Sexual Harassment & Sexual Violence
Prevention Guideline
Guideline for Preventing and Responding to
Workplace Harassment
Kepco Ethics Charter