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Construction of environmentally-friendly Residential Complex Substation

Residential Complex Substation is an apartment construction project for KEPCO employees in which substation perceived as an unpleasant facility will be buried underground to renew the public’s awareness of electric power facilities and clear up the public’s misperception of electric and magnetic field thought of as harmful to human health. Efforts to build electric power facilities that create harmony with the environment, human and the community will continue to be part of KEPCO’s initiatives.
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Transportation of construction materials via cableway and helicopter

Building a road exclusively for transporting construction materials is a common and an economic practice for setting up steel tower required for building overhead power transmission lines. However, KEPCO uses cableway and helicopter when constructing overhead power transmission lines in order to minimize change in the form and quality of forest, thus preserving forests and the environment.
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Development of environmentally-friendly equipment in harmony with the natural landscape and city view

  • Environmentally-friendly color electric pole: KEPCO developed environmentally-friendly electric poles colored with green or reddish brown natural minerals to go well with the natural landscape and clear up misperception of electric poles as an unpleasant grayish facility that destroys the landscape and scenery. KEPCO will continue to build electric power equipment and facilities that go in harmony with the surrounding environment.
  • New aboveground electric box in harmony with the urban landscape and view: equipment (transformer, switch) installed in downtown Seoul is a source of complaints by residents in Seoul who continuously urge them to be relocated. Aware of such complaints, KEPCO installed aboveground equipment compressed with KEPCO image to promote KEPCO’s image as a customer-friendly company. The new electric boxes designed with aesthetic aspects have the features and functions of the existing boxes. KEPCO will continue to develop new designs for electric boxes and other equipment in ways to create harmony with the city view and landscape.