Exporting Korean Nuclear Power Plant to the UAE
Korea joined the ranks of nuclear exporters around the world in 2009, with its first international project building four units of nuclear power plants in the UAE after forty years of accumulating nuclear experience in Korea. At present, the Barakah project is the only project in the world to simultaneously construct four units of NPPs at once. Among the four units, three units entered commercial operation as of March 2023.
Global recognition of APR1400
APR1400 is Korea's leading export model nuclear power plant. The safety and technological prowess of the Korean reactor have been recognized in both Europe and the United States through the acquisition of design certification both from the European Utility Requirements (EUR) in October 2017, and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in August 2019. No other reactors have been certified by both EUR and USNRC before. The first APR1400 technology was adopted to Shin-Kori Units 3 and 4 which were completed in December 2016 (unit 3), and August 2019 (unit 4). In addition, Shin-Hanul Units 1 and 2 are planned to be completed in 2022 and 2023, and also Shin-Kori Units 5 and 6 in 2023 and 2024, respectively. In the UAE, where KEPCO is building its first nuclear power plant in the Middle East, has four same APR1400 nuclear power plant models.
[Construction of Nuclear Power Plants in UAE]
UAE Barakah Nuclear Power Plant(BNPP) Projcet
Contracted |
2009. 12. 27 |
Owner |
ENEC(Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation) |
Prime Contractor |
Scope of Supply |
APR1400 X 4 Units (5,600MW) + Nuclear Fuel (initial core + 2 reloads) + Operation Support |
Project Company |
BOC(ENEC 82%, KEPCO 18%) |
Operating Company |
NEC(ENEC 82%, KEPCO 18%) |
Location |